Weight: 218.2
Time: 7:40am Next Juice: 8am
How do you feel? fine
Hunger scale: 0
I was rewarded this morning for my two days of effort by a huge drop in weight. I'm so excited! In fact, I thought the scale was lying to me this morning. This drop was so significant that it still is hard to believe. I guess I've been carrying allot of water weight around, two days of no salt and the water is gone, plus whatever weight loss has occurred.
Last night was a challenge for me, not because I was hungry, but because my habit before going to bed, is to have some favorite salty treat while watching a little television. I thought about having pickles again, and that would've been fine, but instead I had the juice diets recommended apple juice with cinnamon. The compulsion disappeared after the first sip and I was fine. This is a healthy substitution and I'm amazed how quickly my compulsion was unplugged.
Onward to hump day. We'll see what kind issues arise this day, so far this has been a fairly painless two days, with a few low level bumps, and high oxygen level brain haze, but other than that.. I FEEL AWESOME!!! :)
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